Privacy Policy

CADSessions values privacy – your privacy and our own. To help maintain your privacy and the security of your personal information, we have implemented this Privacy Policy and we communicate it to CADSessions employees or contractors and internally enforce privacy safeguards to protect your personal information.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store information received from you. Before disclosing any information to us, please familiarize yourself with our privacy practices so you can understand how your personal information may be used by CADSessions.

Our Collection and Use of Information:

[This policy controls how we use your information]

CADSessions may collect information in a number of ways from users who access our website or services. You may provide your information to us to receive a product, service, or communication from us; we may request your information to better serve you; or we may in the future require your information in order to complete a transaction (e.g. a purchase, or delivering a product or service you have requested) or provide access (e.g. to a paid service). We may also obtain information when you access our content channels (e.g. YouTube) or social media sites (e.g. Facebook).

A. Collection of Personal Information

[Personal Information (‘PI’) is information that specifically identifies you.]

Personal information (or “Personally Identifiable Information” or “PII”) is information and data that can be used to specifically identify or contact a single person.

You may be asked to provide your personal information when you contact CADSessions for any reason. As you would expect, CADSessions may share your personal information internally. If we do, we will use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may also combine personal information with other information to help us to develop or improve our products, services, content, communications, and/or advertising, or to provide improved user experiences for you.

Personal information we collect:

Examples of some types of personal information CADSessions may collect and how we may use it include the following:

  • When you purchase or register services or products, request support, download information, register for a webinar, live workshop, or training, provide feedback on a video, educational information, or other product, participate in a promotion, contest or online survey, or respond to an advertisement, we may collect a variety of information, including your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and/or contact preferences.
  • We do not collect credit card information. Even if we implement a shopping cart on the site, or a means to allow purchases for example of a value-added service, subscription, certification program, or product, any such purchases will be through a third party payment service or credit card processor. The payment service or credit card processor will collect information required to make payment(s) needed to in connection with such purchases including certain personally identifying financial information (“PIFI”) such as your name, your credit card number (or a portion thereof), the expiration date for the credit card, bank information such as your bank’s name and routing number, and/or your account information. This information will be collected by the third party on their site, and will be subject to applicable financial disclosure rules, and their privacy policy rather than ours.
  • We may ask for certain information only in limited circumstances, e.g. where required by law, or to provide a service you have requested. If such a requirement is imposed then we will ask for it. Such information may only be stored transiently, during a secure session.

How we use your personal information:

[We generally use your information to help provide services and information to you, and to communicate. You can generally opt-out of communications from us]

  • Optional Communications: The personal information we collect allows us to provide you with CADSessions’ latest product announcements, helpful tips and information, special offers, updates, and upcoming events. If you don’t want to receive these communications, or do not wish to be on our mailing list, you can opt out. The information in connection with these optional communications and your responses to them help us to improve our products, services, content, and advertising.
  • We also use personal information to help us develop, deliver, improve, and customize our products, services, content, and advertising, and to provide a better user experience for every user of our products and services.
  • Important Communications: We may use your personal information to send important communications, e.g., about your purchases, material changes to our terms, conditions, and policies (including this Privacy Policy), critical updates to sites, or regulatory changes that impact your use of CADSessions products or services. However, at present you can also opt-out of these communications. However, we may implement communications in connection with future programs or services (including e.g. value-added services, subscriptions, or certification programs), and if this information is vital to your interaction with CADSessions for those services, we may indicate that you may NOT opt out of receiving these communications if you wish to continue to use our site(s) for those services, subscriptions, or certification programs, or similar products or services. We will notify you if we implement such communications. Of course you will always have the right to unsubscribe if you wish to stop using our site and services.
  • We may also use personal information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve CADSessions’ products, services, communications, support and/or help functions, and user interfaces.
  • If you enter into a promotion such as a contest, a giveaway, a one-time or special offer, or similar promotion, we may use the information you provide to administer those programs.

B. Collection of Non-Personal Information

[Non-Personal Information may include information about you, but it cannot be used to identify you. ]

Information of a type (or in a form) that does not permit direct identification of, or association with any specific individual is “non-personal information”. Combinations of personal and non-personal information (“aggregated data”) are considered personal information if the combined information can be used to identify or contact any specific individual(s). Aggregated data is considered non-personal information for the purposes of our Privacy Policy as long as it cannot be used to identify or contact any specific individual. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and certain other identifiers may be considered personal information under various local laws; we endeavor to comply with the laws and regulations that are applicable to us.

How we collect and use your non-personal information

[We use Non-Personal (i.e. non-identifying) Information in the aggregate usually – to improve our products and services and the experience for our visitors and customers.]

We may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal information (information that does not identify you) for any purpose.

The following are some examples of non-personal information that we collect and how we may use it:

  • We may collect non-personal information (e.g. demographic information) regarding our customers collectively including information such as age, gender, occupation, preferred language, zip code, area code, geographic location, or the time zone from which visitors or customers access the CADSessions website(s), products, or services. We may be able to determine your geographic location and time zone based on your IP address. Other information we may obtain from you, e.g. via a survey or registration you voluntarily complete on our site. Such non-personal information is used so that we can better understand who our customers are, and their behavior generally with regards to CADSessions, and to improve our products, services, communications, support, help, user experiences, and advertising for our customers.
  • We also may collect non-personal information regarding customer activities on our website or through the CADSessions services or products. For example, we may track which videos are watched, or when people stop watching them in order to make more useful videos for our customers collectively. This information is aggregated and used to help us provide more useful information to our customers and to understand which parts of our website, products, and services are of most interest. Non-personal support or help request data may be used to improve our videos, site, navigation, support, communications, and user interfaces, or to allow us to provide additional product or service offerings, better instructional materials, or new videos to our present and/or future customers.
  • We may collect non-personal information regarding the digital footprints of our customers with respect to accessing CADSessions sites, products, or services including mobile and non-mobile access, specific types of devices being used, unique device IDs, type of browser(s) being used, networks that our customers use, and other non-personal information. This information may be used to improve our site, navigation, products or product recommendations, instructional materials, or services including but not limited to their performance, functionality, design, or responsiveness.

C. Cookies and Other Technologies

[We may use cookies and other technologies to track your activities on our site so we can improve the site and our product and service offerings. You can generally control our ability to do so from your device(s) privacy settings. ]

To help CADSessions serve you better, we use technological means to better understand and adapt to user behavior. To accomplish this, CADSessions’ website(s), online instruction or educational materials, email messages, and advertisements may use cookies or related technology such as pixel tags, clear gifs, and web beacons. These technologies help us to know which parts of our website people have visited, and provide data to aid us in understanding the effectiveness of advertisements and web searches. These data are used to improve our products, services, communications, and advertisements. We consider information collected through the use of cookies and other technologies as non-personal information, and treat it accordingly.

We may also use cookies and other technologies to remember personal information when you use our site(s), informational video, products, or services. These uses are intended to improve your personal experience. We can provide better and more personal results if we ‘remember’ your preferred settings, your name, and such.

CADSessions may use cookies or other technologies in connection with certain advertising services to determine your experience with our content including whether an ad is likely to be of interest to you, whether or not you are served a particular ad, and the number of times you are served a particular ad. These technologies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. You may have options for opting out of such targeted ads. You should contact your service provider or your mobile provider to inquire about how to do so.

CADSessions also uses specific technologies that may be used to track actions by recipients in connection with certain communications such as emails from us (if you have authorized them). For example, these communications may include one or more clickable text or graphic elements that include URLs that link to content on the CADSessions site. However, these URLs, may pass through a web server that tracks the click before arriving at the linked content on our website. The tracked data can help CADSessions determine the effectiveness of our communications to users and customers, or to gage interest in specific topics. If you prefer not to have your responses to such communications tracked in this manner, do not click links in the email messages. Such communications may also include pixel tags that can tell us whether, e.g., an email has been opened. We may use this information to throttle the number of messages sent to users or customers, or to remove people who do not read or interact with our communications from one or more lists.

Cookies and other technologies can generally be controlled on your devices. If you want to disable cookies, you should review your privacy or security settings. Please note that certain features of the CADSessions site may not be available if you have cookies disabled. We will typically try to warn you that a page or feature you are trying to reach will not function without cookies enabled. If you have your cookies on your device or browser disabled and are having difficulties you may wish to enable them to see if the problem is resolved.

D. Log Files

[Our servers create log files that contain certain Non-Personal information regarding your visits to our site. ]

As part of standard protocols, CADSession’s servers automatically gather certain information and store it in log files. This information may includes date/time stamp of access, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, device type, operating system, browser and version, language, log-in details, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring page, exit page, and other data.

These log files are useful for a number of purposes including helping CADSessions’ to maintain security, measure relative usage, understand and analyze trends regarding users, server access, load, or server problems, more effectively and efficiently administer its sites, products, services, or communications, and gather non-personal demographic information about our users. Consistent with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, CADSessions’ may use the data in its Log Files in a variety ways useful to its business or to provide better experiences for its users and customers.

E. Social Media

[You can control any information we might receive from you via social media if you choose to interact with us there.]

We may collect certain information from you if you interact with us via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, and other such services. The information we receive or collect from such social media, and our ability to collect it, may depend on the social media site, its policies, and its requirements or its technology. We may collect the information you provide from these social media interactions and may use it for various purposes to improve our services or your experience, or to contact you regarding the reason you connected with us, or with additional offers in the future. Of course, you have the opportunity to opt out at any time provided we do not require a means of contacting you to fulfill your request.

F. Children

[If you are under 13 – get your parents to use the site with you.]

Protecting children's privacy is important to CADSessions. It is our policy to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and all other applicable laws. We restrict our website use to persons thirteen years or older, therefore, CADSessions does not knowingly collect personal information from such children. If we learn that we have inadvertently collected or received the personal information of a child under 13 we will take steps to delete the information.

[PLEASE NOTE: You must be 13 or older to use the CADSessions’ site, or educational materials without an adult (parent or guardian).]


Notwithstanding the foregoing, if we discover or form a reasonable belief that we have received any information from a child under 13 in violation of this policy, we will delete that information. If you believe CADSessions’ has any information from a child under age 13, please contact us at the following address:

via Mail: c/o
Methodli, LLC
3959 Welsh Rd,
STE 145
Willow Grove, PA 19090

via email:
legal AT

Disclosure to Third Parties

[We will not disclose your information to third parties for marketing purposes but we may disclose certain personal information to third parties who help us provide our services, and in certain other limited circumstances.]

CADSessions will NOT share PII with third parties for their marketing purposes. At times CADSessions may make certain personal information available to strategic partners that work with CADSessions to provide information, products and services, or that help CADSessions service its customers. Personal information will only be shared by CADSessions to provide or improve our products, services and advertising. If the CADSessions site, information, products or services, or Methodli, LLC become the subject of a reorganization under the bankruptcy law, a merger, a sale, or other change in control, any and all personal information in CADSessions’ control will be transferred to the trustee, debtor in possession, successor, acquirer, or such other third party as will control CADSessions, or the site and information thereafter.

A. Service Providers

To provide its various products or services, CADSessions works with third party providers, who may be located wherever CADSessions operates, or in any location. Such companies provide services to CADSessions. Examples may include information processing, emailing services, transaction processing and banking services, video hosting, product/service delivery, communications, managing and enhancing customer data, providing technical support and/or customer service, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys. At any given time, CADSessions may work with one or more such provider. CADSessions will only provide personal information to these companies where required for them to provide their services, or to improve our products or services for our customers. These companies are obligated to protect your information.

B. Others

In some cases, CADSessions may be required by legal process to disclose your personal information. These cases are unusual and not expected. Such disclosure may be compelled by applicable law, regulation, judicial order, and/or lawful requests from local authorities. CADSessions may also disclose information about you if we determine, in our sole discretion, that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to ensure the safety of any individual(s), or for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance.

We reserve the right to disclose personal information if we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our users, customers, or the public, prevent financial wrongdoing, or in any action to enforce our Terms and Conditions, or other policies regarding CADSessions.

Personal Information Protection

[We use commercially reasonable measure to protect any personal information we have collected.]

CADSessions uses commercially reasonable security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. We restrict access of personal information to CADSessions employees, contractors, and/or agents who need to know that information in order to process it on our behalf. These individuals shall be bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution, if they fail to meet these obligations. CADSessions and its third party providers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption on all web pages where personal information that includes PIFI is transmitted.

You are solely responsible for any personal information you choose to submit on non-secure sites including but not limited any discussion forums or public comment threads on the CADSessions site, or any social media sites, groups, or threads related to CADSessions.

Access to Your Personal Information

[You can send us a request to see if we have any personal information about you, or to correct it.]

You can request access to any personal information we have for you. We will make a good faith effort to provide you with access to reasonably accessible information. You can request that we delete or correct (if inaccurate) your personal data. CADSessions will comply with such requests if they are reasonable and will delete your data if CADSessions is not required to retain it by law, and does not require it for legitimate business purposes. We may reserve the right to refuse deletion requests that we believe require undue time, or technical effort, or where not provided by local law. We also reserve the right to deny or delay requests where the personal information is scheduled to be deleted as part of any upcoming purge of data that is not being retained. Request for access, correction, or deletion can be submitted to legal AT

Links to Third-Party Sites

CADSessions’ sites, products, services, and communications may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services. Information collected by third parties is governed by their privacy practices, not this Privacy Policy. Please be aware when you leave the CADSessions site(s) and understand that you are subject to a third party’s privacy policy except when you are on the CADSessions site(s), or using the CADSessions products or services.

International Users: US Safe Harbor

Information you provide may be transferred or accessed by entities around the world as described in this Privacy Policy. CADSessions has not yet fully complied with the “safe harbor” frameworks set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information collected by organizations in the European Economic Area and Switzerland. CADSessions will revise this Privacy Policy as needed to inform international users of its compliance with the safe harbor.

Changes to this Privacy Policy and Privacy Questions

[We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and we will post those changes here.]

If you have any questions or concerns about CADSessions’ Privacy Policy please email us at [email protected]

This Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time at CADSessions’ sole discretion. Please check this page periodically for changes. Any such changes to the Privacy Policy will be available on this page. If the policy has been changed in a material way, a notice will be posted on our website along with a link to the updated Privacy Policy. Your continued use of our site(s) following the posting of changes to this Policy will mean you accept the changes. Information collected prior to the time any change is posted will be used according to the rules and laws that applied at the time the information was collected.

We will also archive prior versions of this Privacy Policy and make those versions available for your review.

This Policy was created December 2016 and last updated December 20, 2016.


Notice of Compliance to California Residents – Your California Privacy Rights Under The California Online Privacy Protection Act and the California Business and Professions Code

This Privacy Policy identifies the categories of personally identifiable information that our company collects through our website or online service about individual consumers who use or visit's commercial website or online service and the categories of third-party persons or entities with whom our company may share that personally identifiable information.

CADSessions does not maintain an online process for an individual consumer who uses or visits our commercial website or online service to review and request changes to any of his or her personally identifiable information that is collected through our website or online service.

See the section above titled "Changes To This Privacy Policy" for a description of the process by which our company notifies consumers who use or visit our commercial website or online service of material changes to our company's privacy policy for this website or online service.

The effective date of this Privacy Policy is listed at the end of this privacy policy under the heading, "Last Updated."

For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:

Depending on your activity on our website or online service, the following "personally identifiable information" may be collected, in addition to what is in prior sections of this document.

The term "personally identifiable information" means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online via CADSessions website(s) (e.g. ) from an individual and maintained by us in an accessible form and may include any of the following:

(1) A first and last name;

(2) A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town;

(3) An e-mail address;

(4) A telephone number;

(5) Any other identifier that permits the physical or online contacting of a specific individual; and

(6) Information concerning a user that the website or online service collects online, from the user, and maintains in personally identifiable form, in combination with an identifier described within this privacy policy.

Under California Law SB 27, California residents have the right to receive, once a year, information about third parties with whom we have shared information about you or your family for their marketing purposes during the previous calendar year, and a description of the categories of personal information shared. To make such a request, please send an email to [email protected] and please include the phrase "California Privacy Request" in the subject line, the domain name of the website you are inquiring about, along with your name, address and e-mail address. We will respond to you within thirty days of receiving such a request.

"Cookies" and How We Use Them

A "cookie" is a small data file that can be placed on your hard drive when you visit certain websites. CADSessions may use cookies to collect, store, and sometimes track information for purposes stated earlier as well as for statistical purposes to improve the products and services we provide and to manage our telecommunications networks. We may also use cookies for purposes of personalizing your experience on our site, or for providing online behavioral advertising such a retargeting or remarketing. These uses provide you with additional opportunities to take advantage of our services or products, and provide us with additional opportunities to reach you with personalized offers more tailored to your interests.

Advertisers and partners may also use their own cookies (e.g. on their own sites). CADSessions does not control any third party’s use of such cookies and we expressly disclaim responsibility for information collected by or through them.

Public Areas & Social Media

Any information you disclose in any public areas of our website or the Internet, including via social media becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information in these public areas.


This Privacy Policy does not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of CADSessions or any other party and is not intended to create any such rights.

Questions about this Privacy Policy may be directed to us in writing at:

legal AT or
Methodli, LLC
1135 Mearns Rd #2773
Warminster, PA 18974